My aim is to help you heal yourself
I enjoy working with people who have vestibular impairments because it requires us to look closely at how various body systems work together. Somatosensory (touch sensation), visual (eyes) and vestibular (inner ear/brain) inputs work together to help you feel stable and secure. In adddition, we may look at the effect emotional systems contribute to sense of physical stability, as well as the known effects of nutition, sleep and exercise on the vestibular system.
Addressing the energy system through bodywork (Zero Balancing) often speeds the healing process along, while using evidence based methods of exercise progression that you carry out at home.
Holistic Physical Therapy: Integrating traditional physical therapy with Zero Balancing, movement therapies, and lifestyle coaching to get you on the road to wellness.
Vestibular rehabilitation for vertigo/dizziness/migraine headache
Evaluation and treatment of muskuloskeletal pain/dysfunction
Stress management coaching
One on one treatment including Zero Balancing, acupressure, exercise recommendation, movement therapies informed by yoga and feldenkrais
Lifestyle education and consultation for migraine management
Training healthcare professionals in Core Zero Balancing l and II
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Physical Therapy assessment and Treatment of BPPV, Vestibular Hypofunction, Vestibular Migraine, Concussion. Mary earned the Emory Clinical Competency to treat vestibular disorders. She is a member of the APTA and VEDA.
Zero Balancing
Zero Balancing is a form of manual therapy that uses light finger pressure along the bones of the skeleton. The aim is to balance body structure with body energy, to facilitate improved posture, decrease musculoskeletal pain, lessen or eliminate headaches and improve sense of well being. Mary is a member of the Zero Balancing Faculty. You can learn more about Zero Balancing here.
Physical Health
My approach is to combine Physical Therapy treatments with complementary medicine, various movement therapies and lifestyle recommendations as indicated.
Customized Plans
Home Exercise programs designed for your specific needs right from the first visit to hasten your recovery!
Professional memberships:
Vestibular Disorders Association
American Physical Therapy Association
Zero Balancing Health Association
Indiana Physical Therapy Licensure